Projects for computerisation of the digital archives of the art works of the Florentine galleries, designed to create databases that can be consulted online.

Lorenzo Bartolini
The online database of the works by Lorenzo Bartolini.
The online database of the works by Lorenzo Bartolini.
The Euploos Project
This initiative will make available online the entire collection of the Gabinetto Disegni e Stampe degli Uffizi, over 150,000 works from the 1300s to the modern period.
This initiative will make available online the entire collection of the Gabinetto Disegni e Stampe degli Uffizi, over 150,000 works from the 1300s to the modern period.
The Research Department of the Polo Museale Fiorentino conserves the inventories of the works of art in the museums
The Research Department of the Polo Museale Fiorentino conserves the inventories of the works of art in the museums
The cataloguing is both an informative process and an instrument of protection: records of over 145,000 works of art
The cataloguing is both an informative process and an instrument of protection: records of over 145,000 works of art
Photo Archive
Contains over 600,000 photo negatives,
the oldest of them on glass plates, and the respective photographic prints
Contains over 600,000 photo negatives,
the oldest of them on glass plates, and the respective photographic prints
Historic Archive
The indices of the first section of the Galleries (1739-1940) can be consulted online
The indices of the first section of the Galleries (1739-1940) can be consulted online
The hymnals of Beato Angelico and Zanobi Strozzi of the Museum of San Marco can be viewed
The hymnals of Beato Angelico and Zanobi Strozzi of the Museum of San Marco can be viewed
Carocci Archive
Oltre 40.000 schede manoscritte che raccolgono appunti e documentazioni su artisti, Arti, case, chiese, palazzi, famiglie, stemmi e altro.
Oltre 40.000 schede manoscritte che raccolgono appunti e documentazioni su artisti, Arti, case, chiese, palazzi, famiglie, stemmi e altro.